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Building Student-Centered Learning Spaces
Introduction- What are the 12 Shifts?
Envisioning 'Learner-Centered Environments' (3:12)
The 12 Shifts for Learner-Centered Environments Scorecard
Shift #1: Learning Co-Design
What is 'Co-Design?' (3:12)
Expert Interview on Co-Design in Primary Classroom
Shift #2/3: From Teacher to Guided and Open Inquiry
What is Inquiry? (2:17)
Structured vs. Guided vs. Open Inquiry
From Guided to Open Inquiry
What does inquiry look like in learner-centered experiences?
Thinking Routines for Inquiry
Visible Thinking Routines
Shift #4: From Isolated to InterDisciplinary Acquisition of Skills
Introduction to Trans-Disciplinary Learning Experiences (6:57)
The 'School Re-Design Experience': An interdisciplinary case study
Team Teaching- Planning Interdisciplinary Lessons
Shift #5/6: Student Work: From for a Grade to Pursuit of Interests, Real World Inquiry/Problem
Introduction to the Shift (2:00)
What is Beautiful Work?
Building an 'Ethic of Excellence' with Ron Berger
Increasing Motivation without using grades
Visual Summary of the Shift
Shift #7: Task Completion: Independent and Collaborative Work Balance
Introduction to the Shift (1:42)
Project Team Dilemma Response
Fostering Collaboration and Managing Student Teams
Using rubrics to foster collaboration and high-functioning teams
Shift #8: Discussion/ Learning Experience: From Teacher-Led to Facilitated/Socratic
Introduction to the Shift (1:37)
Socratic Seminar Overview 1st and 4th Graders
Socratic Seminar Reading and Preparation
Shift #9 Reflection: Reflecting on both product AND process
Introduction to Student Reflection (1:47)
Quote Response
Reflection Case Study: Early Years Music Project
Building a culture of reflection: The Multi-Generational Fitness Project (Upper Elementary/Secondary)
Methods of Reflection (4:21)
Shift #10: From Teacher Assessed to student, peer, and expert critique
Introduction to the Shift (2:01)
(Early Years Teachers) Colour My Emotions Case Study
Self Assessment using Rubrics in PBL experiences (15:54)
Peer Feedback in Student-Centered Environments
Shift #11: Audience for Work: From Teacher to authentic, public audience
Introduction to the Shift (1:13)
Finding Authentic Audiences
Exhibiting Work and Making the Most of Authentic Audiences
Shift #12: From School-Based Learning Experiences to Community Connected Learning Experiences
Introduction to the Shift (1:29)
SDGS and Community Projects
Community Mapping: Easy Way to Connect Student Projects to the Community
PBL Case Studies and Building Community Connections
Teach online with
SDGS and Community Projects
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